Free Music Fridays: Théa Rosenburg


It's been a rough month. Last week my kids learned to open the baby gates. Today they learned to open doors with safety lock things on them.

Some days I don't feel like I'm cut out for this stay-at-home mom thing, and today was no exception. It's been raining all week, making my preschoolers and I stir crazy.

So I decided to take them to McDonald's (Don't judge. Or do. I don't care.) so they could play indoors for a couple of hours without climbing on things they're not supposed to.

We went through how things would go, including what would happen when it was time to leave.

Two hours later, my almost-4-year -old was laying on the floor screaming because it was time to go. But I couldn't deal with her because the almost-3-year-old was running away from me.

So today I wanted some music that made me feel good. That was the only criteria. Just something to lift my spirits and let me know that this, too, shall pass. I won't say much, just share this breath of fresh air.

Théa Rosenburg's The First Spring: Live at Oikos Fellowship, is 10 tracks, all original except the hymns "Come Ye Sinners" and "Amazing Grace." Her original songs are affecting and her vocals are pure and clear.

She begins with "Come Ye Sinners," one of my favorite hymns, and one I hadn't heard in a long time. I felt myself breathe easier as she sang "If you tarry 'til you're better, you will never come at all."

She also has an amazing-looking book blog, Little Book, Big Story.

I'll leave you to discover the rest. I'm too busy getting happy-sad with "Lessons."

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